Thursday, November 11, 2010

natural born killer...

...outtake. I was trying to get a holiday photo of the two boys. As I mentioned before, it is like trying to capture a dodo. This one was pretty freaking awesome though, in it's own right. The photo was re-edited by my friend Leah, for an old timey serial killer feel. Don't worry, we'll start a therapy fund.

P.S. For those of you out there who want a card---get me your address, unless you are positive I have it. Even if you are positive, get it to me anyway. Parents excluded.


Grandmere said...


Anonymous said...

Some rememberances cast in photo format get cemented in time. We had to laugh. Do you think he'll get the concept of "Don't sweat the small stuff?"

Love, Mom

Nancy said...

That's too funny!