Sunday, January 17, 2010

well, he's not a southern boy...

overheard at brunch today following an attempt by the waiter to talk to the kids (who stared at him deadpan):

James: (slightly annoyed)was that guy trying to talk to us?
Joe: yes, he was
James: (sounding astonished) why?
Joe: to be friendly, I guess

Joe surprised us by coming down yesterday, so the kids are over the moon. We also went and got a bike (for me) and a trailer to haul the kids in. Joe has wanted to go on family rides for a while I guess we will be starting!

Friday, January 15, 2010


It's been pretty hectic around here. The house is getting there. Lots left to do, but less than there was. We have had a gruesome bout of rotovirus, which knocked us out for a week. James started at the Waldorf school, and loves it (accepted! woot!). Joe is also moving down soon, which will be lovely!