Monday, January 29, 2007

1/2 birthday

Today James is 6 mos old! It is so hard to believe that the little jellybean is getting so big, and the amount of things he can do now! He is getting much better at sitting independently, as well as moving around. He still prefers to be on his back, though has this amazing ability to scoot his head and shoulders, then push with his heels to get around. He is also quite adept at rolling. He loves to play peek-a-boo, and we have learned he is quite ticklish. He babbles the day away now, though for some reason rather than babbling in English (ba, ba, ba) he has chosen French (le bleu, le bleu) as his native tongue. He really enjoys his books, his favorite still being "Moo baa la la la". He loves music, and has started 'singing' along. He is also getting very good at reaching and grabbing objects (lesson learned after I left a full water glass in his reach). His favorite toy of the moment is his rattle, which he likes to shake shake shake and stop- listening for the sound. He also likes to eat it of course. He is not showing any interest in food yet, so we will be waiting to introduce solids until he does. I am amazed every day at how this little person, who was so miserable the first 4 months of his life, has turned into such a joyful soul. He is so interactive, and just a delight. Joe and I couldn't be happier.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

science museum

We went to the Science museum today, where we met up with a few cloth diapering friends (Rebecca, Monica and their families). James had an absolute blast! He loved all of the new people, the exhibits, and especially

the butterfly garden-the second picture is him looking at the gorgeous butterfly in the third picture (I think he will be like his Grandpa, who loves butterflies!). He also showed us his mathematical prowess playing with an abacus, and he enjoyed being a little bee in the honeycomb! We had a great day!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So he can now sit without being propped. He still topples often, but his stomach muscles are getting much stronger. This morning he also did his first sign. He signed "up" when he wanted me to pick him up. I doubt he will do this consistently at this point, but it's a start of expressive language!

Friday, January 19, 2007

give peas a chance

we should listen to the kid! world peas please! :o)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

what's up doc?

yum. wool carrot in highchair. (thanks again for the svan highchair grandma and grandpa!)

sippy cup

So, after seeing some absolutely gorgeous pictures of Ellie's son Ezra 'eating' from his sippy cup (all together now...AWWWW!) I though I would stage a photo-op for James. This is the best we got. At least he had it right side up in this one! He can use it pretty effectively when I hold it for him, just not so well independently yet! He now recognizes his name, which is amazing since we have really only started to use consistently recently (perhaps that was the issue, though he may respond to buddy, bunny, poopy-bum, baby, sweetheart, darling, or princess-pants...don't ask). It was really cool yesterday while out to lunch with my friend Erin and her baby Olivia, James turned his head to a stranger (restaurant employee) when he said his name. Verifiable learning!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Just going with a theme here...can you believe those tiny toes have turned into the chunkers we have today? Is there anything cuter than chubby baby feet? I think not.

Friday, January 12, 2007

speaking of toes...

Someone discovered that inserting them in his mouth is prime entertainment! Insert toes. Giggle. Repeat. Priceless!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

when daddy's away we will play

Joe left today to visit a few friends, 2 of whom are soon to leave for active duty. So James and I are left to fend for ourselves for a few days. Yesterday was one of my interviews for clinical internship, so James got a lot of Daddy time before he left. When we came home this afternoon from a protest at the State House James kindly demonstrated his ability to grab his toes for the camera. He then ate his fish ;o)

Sunday, January 7, 2007


James woke me up very early this morning. I was still very sleepy, but he wanted to get up and play. This made me very sad and grumpy. James thought this was very funny, so he took my picture. Then he laughed at me. He requested that I post the picture here for everyone to see. (He apologizes for it being a little blurry; he's still learning how to use the camera.)

This is me:

Saturday, January 6, 2007

does anyone else...

...find this a little disturbing? What can I say, the boy loves to stand! Today he was playing with Joe in his crib (we need to get some use out of it!) and Joe let go for a second. Then he called me over. Then I got the camera. And here is the evidence! He doesn't sit. He is not really big into playing with toys. He rarely smiles for strangers. However, when using a death grip the boy can STAND on his OWN!

Friday, January 5, 2007

my mommy says...

...I'm her little bit of sunshine!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

favorite things

Recently James has found it absolutely hilarious to get dressed in his 'bear suit' to go outside. He seriously laughs hysterically every time we put it on him. He also still enjoys his massages, he just loves his naked time (just like his

Uncle Justin when he was wee!). So here are a few pictures of James doing his favorite things!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

for your viewing pleasure

Here are a picture of James and I this morning after our all-nighter last night. I totally take back everything I said about him sleeping better! So for all of you that are wondering...yes I was indeed showered, though I was covered in spit-up and sans make-up. Just a typical day around here! Sorry for the weird angle, it's hard to take pictures of yourself!

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

We wish you a very Happy New Year! 2006 was a fantastic year for our family, especially since James joined us. We celebrated New Year's Eve with family, and had a very wonderful visit. James has been rolling over like a champ, and now pushes up on strait arms. He smiles easily, and his whole face lights up. He has begun to show some stranger anxiety. He has also been sleeping well at night (insert me jumping up and down here!), at least for the most part. His daytime naps have been a bit erratic as of late. He has shown some signs of allergy (one reoccurring hive and an eczema spot) since I have added tomatoes back in, though this coincided with a cold weather front, so we are waiting a few days to cut them back out. He is very interested in our daily activities, and loves to 'help' turn on and off light switches. No signs of teething yet, which I am very happy about! The pictures are a few great ones of my boys from Joe's time off!