Tuesday, January 27, 2009

6 mos checkup

head: 41.25 cm
length: 25.5
weight: 14 lbs 14 oz

and he has a healthy stranger anxiety lol

Saturday, January 24, 2009

first food

james has a new sweater! this was knit by my friend suzanne, who is much faster. my yarn though. gorgeous colorway (goblin by mosaic moon). Eliot has been begging for big people food for a month now. We were waiting for him to show all the readiness signs (older than 6 mos, independent sitting, ability to bring food to his mouth independently, watching people eat with interest, etc). We also talked to
James' allergist yesterday to see if he thought it was an ok thing given that Eliot obviously will have allergies given his eczema. He agreed with me that its better to encourage communication and respect developmental readiness, rather than clear up the eczema entirely first. So anyway, he was thrilled we were finally going to feed him. Then he was horrified that big people actually ate such disgusting things lol.

Monday, January 19, 2009

a very merry unbirthday

to eliot :) who is now 6 mos old! He is sitting, reaching and grasping, and letting us know when his toys arent playing how he wants them to :P. He loooooves James, and loves to play tug o' war with him. His favorite toys are a terry cloth doll (wonderful gift :) and a wooden rattle. He is not a fan of the winter weather. He, like james, has eczema so I am back on a full elimination diet to see if we can help minimize it. On our scale he weighs 16 lbs, so he has tripled his birth weight! And by all appearances his paternal grandmother's recessive genes are coming through--his eyes look like they will stay blue. genetics are nothing if not surprising. james is nearly 2 1/2 as well. his face in that picture is his fake smile. yes it looks like screaming. sometimes he adds the scream in for our enjoyment lol. and the snow picture is especially for you floridians lol

Saturday, January 17, 2009

congrats becs!!

her new daughter was born yesterday! woo-hoo!

anyway, here are the boys from this week:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

look ma! no hands!

smiley boys

sorry I have been so bad about posting!!! excuse how the one of J is blown and the other underexposed. He is a little too quick sometimes to get the shot right lol

a few from christmas