Saturday, December 4, 2010

snowy day

Today is the first real snow of the year. The kids are enthralled, and not quite sure why there isn't gobs of it to make snowpeople and angels. Such is life in the south. James also decided he was willing to sacrifice the ability to twirl his hair in his fingers in order to avoid having it brushed, so he is sporting a very short cut. I'll miss his hair, but not the wailing over tangles. Win-win.
haircut and first snow of the season


Anonymous said...

James', we like your new hair cut! No more tangles and maybe now you wil be able to brush/comb your hair all by yourself. Good for you. A few curls may come as you work hard outside shoveling snow. Enjoy!

Love, Grammy

Grandmere said...

Hello, Mr. Leg!