Sunday, February 14, 2010

valentine's day

Joe is away for a ten days studying for the bar, so the boys and I fended for ourselves on this most commercial of 'holidays'. We did some painting, stuck lots of stickers, ate some is good. Here are a few pictures from today. James has been practicing his wink, which leads to an awesome smarmy face. He also thought picking his nose for the camera was hilarious. E found my sunglasses this morning, and is in love with them. Good times were had by all.


Grandmere said...

Anne, you look positively stunning!
The boys have a lot to smile about.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh x 1000! Those pictures are awesome and melt my heart! I love those boys so much, and they seem so much older :) And you- smoking!
Love you all and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Lovely Valentine's Day celebration...the real thing.

Everyone looks so engaged and happy.

Aunt Betsy and Uncle Mark