Wednesday, August 5, 2009

preparing for a life in the circus

Lets just say that Eliot has a very strong desire to climb. I found him like this (and of course grabbed the camera, isn't that what all people do when they happen upon their children doing extremely frightening and dangerous feats?)

set him on the ground, turned my back and found him 5 feet off the ground scaling the OUTSIDE of the stair banister.

I put him across the room, and he climbed up the chair. He has been fighting me all day, letting me know how cruel I am not allowing him to stay at the elevation he so desperately wants to reach. I think we are off to let him scale some playground equipment.


Anonymous said...

Two things came to mind as we looked at these: He's cruising for a bruising! Curiosity killed the cat. Poor little Eliot has a lot of learning to do and it appears like it may be the hard way. Mom

Grandmere said...

I like your wallpaper in the last shot!

Seems like I recall a hand pulley constructed in the air between grown tree heights by some lads while I was at work years ago...!

I prayed a lot.

Grandmere said...

Would regularly climbing dirt hills outdoors help Eliot? Are there hills anywhere nearby?

Anonymous said...

What a cute little monkey (a compliment from me).


Aunt Betsy