Tuesday, October 30, 2007

gorgeous autumn day

Though the trees haven't changed color yet, which is strange. James loves the weather, and as usual had a fun romp in the grass. He is officially a toddler now, though not technically 'toddling' yet. He did stand up on his own from sitting this past weekend, it kind of took Joe and I by surprise. I bet he'll be walking by Christmas. He has started the infamous tantruming, which I probably shouldn't find so adorable, but I do. They likely won't be so funny in a few years, but hey, what can I say.


Emily Ho said...

aw, so cute!

Grandmere said...

Isn't that Gawgah colors our boy is wearing?
I watched FL get whooped by GA while visiting my sister at SSI (imagine my chagrine!).
And hey, I'm supposed to mention to you the triumph Boston has demonstrated in the World Series! But you all know Babe Ruth's curse has been broken since 2003.
I miss you and will see that young boy soon!

Lexie said...

He is getting close! I love the tantrums, as long as I am not in a huge view of people. Its just humourous. Lexie's first tantrum was right in our new house and I just thought, I have to take a picture of this. So I did. She stopped. Of course now she would cry more. Life...
How was halloween?