Monday, March 19, 2007

hand consultation

We went into Children's to have our first consultation with an orthopaedist this afternoon, and the visit went very well. James received the best possible diagnosis, which is non-hereditary brachydactly (which is what I assumed anyway). All of his joints, nerves and muscles appear to have normal function at this point, and though his hand might look a little different, it should not hold him back in any way.
He will be seen again in a few months (he will get x-rays at his next apppointment), and then annually until he is 5. Surgery will not be necessary, and there is a good possibility he won't even need occupational therapy!

He weighed 18 lbs 2 oz, and was 28 inches long! It appears he also had a growth spurt!


Anonymous said...

That definitely sounds like a positive, hopeful visit. I am sure it was quite a relief, even though it isn't over.

Correct me if I am wrong, but his lenths and width indicate to me he is about as normal as can be (for an extraordinary boy, that is)!
"Mommy done good"

anne said...

yup. growing like a hoss. he might even be approaching the 50% now! we even moved him out of his infant seat and into his britax! and he isn't even eating solids yet!

Anonymous said...

i was thinking he was probably right around 50% :)