Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ok whiny people

Here are some pictures. They will have to hold you over for a while though! The first several are of James and Joe playing around. The last was during a walk we took this past weekend with Erin, Stephen, and Olivia around the pond. We drug out the stroller after not using it nearly as much as we thought we would before we were parents ;o). We figured we should probably get at least some use out of it. We ended up popping him into the Ergo, though I must say, the stroller is a handy way to carry the diaper bag.


Anonymous said...

OMG- The stroller pic is PRICELESS! That's just the best thing I've ever seen!
Glad for the whiners... they help my addiction.
Have a fun weekend- let's catch up when you return ;)

Anonymous said...

what kind of stroller is that? i love how it faces in. that pic of him in it is great!

anne said...

kelli, it's a bugaboo gecko. It has a ton of positions it can go in, and even came with a pram for the itty bitty. It also has a carseat attachment for those so inclined (bucket seat). It faces outward too. It's a really great stroller (thanks again mom and dad).

Anonymous said...

by the way anne- i never knew whining was the way to get to you :)

Grandmere said...

I WANT this boy!!!!
Just look at those smiles!
He is giving you the very best he's got to give.
What tugs at my heart strings!

Lexie said...

welcome back, now post! he he