James and Anne and I went to the beach for a few hours today. We took the camera with us, but unfortunately we left the camera's battery at home on the charger, so we don't have any photographs of the event. James spent most of the time trying to eat mouthfuls of sand, and we spent most of the time trying to stop him. He did seem very interested in a few seagulls that wandered nearby. And he also got in the water a little bit (just feet and hands) and actually enjoyed it -- which is a step forward because usually the ocean water scares him.
Anyway, since we have no new photographs I thought we'd share a few pieces of James' artwork with everyone. This first piece is entitled "Worms":

This next picture is my favorite. It is an abstract work called "Untitled in Blue and Red":

Lastly we have a picture that James did for Anne's office. It is another more abstract picture with a strong "handprint" theme:
he really is going through an abstract expressionist movement right now isn't he?
I think the last one is upside down. we'll have to ask the artist ;)
He certainly appears to have a strong tie to Picasso in the red-blue. He is clearly an incredibly deep thinker. Alas it appears his fate will be better than many other artists with such gifted genius, as he is already being shared with the masses and receiving critical acclaim!
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