Thursday, August 30, 2007

12 month appointment

his stats:
head: 44.5 cm
height: 29.5 in
weight: 20 lbs 4 oz


Anonymous said...

a strapping young boy :)
hope the visit went well.
40 minutes seems a lot longer when they can physically remove themselves from the bed and show up in the living room announcing "I'm here!"

anne said...

I'm sure, and I shouldn't complain. he still wakes to eat about a million times a night, but he has been going down pretty easily for a week or so now. And he just popped/is about to pop about every tooth in his mouth.

anne said...

and *snort* at strapping--he is still at least 1 1/2 SDs below the mean on everything.

Lexie said...

yeah, I guess... now that i think about it. We were on the other end of the spectrum so that seems "average" to me. ha ha. Well, as far as I am concerned, in other areas he is well above the mean :)

Lexie said...

and i dont think you were complaining. just that 40 minutes felt like 4 hours that night...

Grandmere said...

Is anybody posting newbies?