Saturday, September 15, 2007


We're sorry we haven't had more time to post any updates or pictures recently. Anne has been busy with her internship, I've been busy with work, and James has been busy doing some extremely important reading:

We'll try to post more updates soon.


Anonymous said...

James is clearly a well-read person, as he can even read upside down! We MISSED you and are so glad to have a post for our James-fix :) Love ya

Anonymous said...

cute belly too :)

Anonymous said...

James is certainly showing interest in reading; at least he's trying to figure it out! We are thinking of you... Love, Mom and Dad Boock

Grandmere said...

What a cute belly button!
Healthy kid.

Looks like a very hard book to read.

Anonymous said...

reading the book right side up apparently isn't challenging enough!

Amy said...

Hooray a new post!!! I was missing seeing that happy boy. It looks like he will be able to run circles around the other kids at school and still read whatever it is that they are reading. This upside down reading skill could come in handy.