If you want this choice position, have a cheery disposition.
Rosy cheeks, no warts.
Play games, all sorts.
You must be kind you must be witty,
Very sweet and fairly pretty....
What do you think the likelihood is? sigh. The great nanny hunt has begun.
Where is Mary when you need her?
Congratulations on your internship placement. It reminds me of a career navy nurse who commuted 70 miles, taking her baby with her to put her in childcare near her work for a year and a half. It made all her friends scratch out heads wondering how she managed. She had the last 18 months before retirement and the baby was there.
I mention it because, whatever arrangements you make, it may help to know that the time did pass for her. She later became the school nurse where her daughter was enrolled. They've managed lots of quality time over the years.
It is important for you to complete your Ph.D. and someone special will be able to take good care of James. It is a finite amount of time, then you'll become more flexible again.
Thanks for sharing the pictures and the journey. All good.
Aunt Betsy
Congrats from us on your placement as well Anne, we are all so proud of you. I know the Nanny hunt will be difficult but you essentially will end up all happy in the end. I am off for the summer and if I can help you and Joe in any way please call. We love you all. I love that little guy!!! Aunt Jill
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