This shirt reminded me of a certain clinical supervisor, who is a bit of a running joke. Anyway, stranger anxiety is rampant in our house, and the kid has even turned on Joe a bit. I'm sure his looks and screams of terror will make a wonderful impression on the nannies we are interviewing this weekend! He has also been holding a toy in each hand, carefully shaking each to listen to the different sounds. He especially likes the difference between a rattle and a jingle. Crinkly noises remain his favorite. He is beginning to make rudimentary attempts at dancing, and from what I can tell so far, he dancing is all Joe ;o) (just kidding honey, you are a great dancer). He is getting very interested in solids, and is starting to show some readiness signs. Joe and I plan to begin offering them in a few weeks. He loves paying with his sippy cups, so I am sure he will love playing with food as well! He is gnawing on everything he can get his hands on, in kind of a desperate biting gnaw, so I anticipate some teeth sometime soon. As much as I hate to admit it, the homeopathic chamomile our doctor recommended we try does seem to calm him down when he is especially cranky. Who knows if it actually works, or if it is placebo effect (on me, not him), but either way it is doing something! Elimination diet wise, I have been able to eat dairy and moderate amount of wheat recently with no effects on the little guy, so I am keeping fingers and toes crossed that he is outgrowing the intolerance issues (though we won't know until he eats solids).
Anne he is SO cute. I love that second picture. I just noticed Ezra trying to dance today--he and James seem to be on the same approximate developmental path ;) Post more pictures!!
I love the shirt!!! Stranger anxiety and nanny interviews could be a good combination. You'll certianly get to see the nanny trying out her skills to get James to interact with her. Hope you find someone perfect soon!
Joseph, with these photos of James grinning, he looks like your grandfather, my dad. Very handsome man, broad grin, round cheeks and pointy chin. Popaw would be proud, Son.
Anne, I miss him.
He is so sweet.
His health has come at a tremendous sacrifice on your part. It's no accident.
Thank you.
Anne, you are a great mother.
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