Ok, so I've been a bit delinquent in posting this, though February only had 28 days this month--so to be fair, he never truly turned 7 months :oP
He is developing in leaps and bounds! He now actively reaches and grabs anything at hand, actively exploring the different textiles. He is quite fond of a shiny, smooth spoon at the moment. Pinching me is his favorite hobby. He sits well without support (unless he reaches for something and is knocked off balance). He rolls very well, and is working on the commando crawl. He recognizes his name consistently, and his receptive vocabulary is really growing. He signs 'up', and is beginning to make a rudimentary attempt at 'milk'. He has taken an active interest in the dogs, and Madeline lets him pet her (!) much to his delight. He babbles many sounds (boo-ba, abba, baba, ahhhh), in addition to blowing raspberries, and 'growling'. He is getting more wary of strangers, and appears to have a slow to warm up temperament (as far as I can tell). At this point he tends to catnap a few times during the day (20 minutes 3 times a day or so) and sleeps for 2ish hour intervals at night beginning at 7pm. He is typically up for the day at 6am. His skin has been having a harder time in the dry winter air, and he has been scratching his head a bit, though the eczema has largely been kept at bay. Old McDonald remains his favorite song, though he likes Sweet Baby James (James Taylor) as well. I think that's all, let me know if I forgot anything :o).
He sure is growing in leaps and bounds you two are doing great!! So glad to hear about your acceptance Anne, time will pass quickly, all will be fine, love you all, Aunt Jill ox
What a lucky boy to have such a knowledgable mother who is so in tune to his needs and development :)
He certainly seems to be growing in leaps and bounds by the look of your pictures!
Sounds like he's doing great! Of course I would expect nothing less with the amazing parents that he has.
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