Wednesday, February 14, 2007


He has his Poppy's glimmer of mischief in his eye doesn't he?


Anonymous said...

Am I Poppy?

anne said...

no. my dad is. you just made me laugh a lot. I'll have to ask my dad if it is spelled like the flower, or Papi.

Anonymous said...

He is so unbelievably adorable! I love the socks.

-Amy S.

Anonymous said...

His mommy gets that same look when she is up to no good too :)

If it is spelled Papi, then I will be the one laughing and will forever refer to your Dad as Big Papi :) My grandfather is Poppy (to all the other cousins but my brother and I) and we spell it Poppy. Randy wanted to be Poppy or PopPop but I nixed it. He is Grampy, but Lexie prounounces it Beepy right now or sometomes Geeempy.