We are having snow! This is the first accumulating snow of the year (and is supposedly a Nor'easter...I'll believe it when I see it). So, after Joe left for work James 'played' in the snow on our balcony for a second (Of course, I had camera in hand!). He seemed to like it. He is a boy after my own heart :o). Also, just in time for Valentine's day, James has developed stranger anxiety. He was very apprehensive at the hospital yesterday when I stopped in to collect my last subject's data (and to say hello to everyone in behavioral neurology, James has quite a fan club over there!) He screamed when my friend Nicole stopped by last night to visit (sorry Nicole), and again when the dog's playgroup leader came to pick them up. He has picked up the concept of familiar/different! What a smart boy!
Wow, that pics makes me miss snow :) (Although I am enjoying being in shorts and a shirt today and it is just lovely out- which means no sweating!)
I would love to see a baby's reaction to first touching snow. I can not even imagine what Lexie would do (or say) if she was exposed to it! So cool!
I'm loving the ice on the trees down here today, but not the trees laying in the middle of the road or all over my backyard. I'm so glad that James got a chance to play in the snow!!! It's about time we got some this year.
-Amy S.
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