I've been a bit errant in posting recently. The good news is I've officially submitted my match form for clinical internship, and now am playing the waiting game. We'll see if I get matched or if my buddy James and I will be home together next year.
So lets see...James and I have been attending a new 'class' at the Waldorf school, which he loves. He is very much a people person, even when other babies are playing, James is much more interested in them and their moms than the toys. He is still my little barnacle, though we are working on him enjoying a bit of independent play (with me sitting next to him rather than him playing on me). It is going slowly. Joe has had a doozy of a cold this past week. Thankfully James and I have been spared thus far, though James has had a very difficult time sleeping and has been nursing at least once an hour all night. We think it is a combination of a growth spurt, possible teething, and fighting off Joe's plague. In other news, Joe sadly shaved his beard.
James has also started licking my face and smiling when I ask for a kiss. Is this kid cute or what?!
Here is a picture from this weekend in memory of the beard, one of the jellybean sleeping this morning, and one of him showing off his drool from last Friday(notice the wet shirt- what do you think-bones growing in his mouth?).
the beard pic didnt show for me- or the drool. maybe if i try again later. but the sleeping is precious!
All three are great pictures! I think teething is a definite possibility with that drool going. I hope the match goes well for you, and that Joe feels better soon. I'll be praying for you!
-Amy S.
Wow- Joe actually does not look too shabby with a beard!
Teething wasn't too bad for us... of course we spent 13 months thinking she was teething at any disruption in our schedule before 1 just showed up- so I would not say I am the expert in that arena :)
I want to know how you ranked your sites! How exciting!
yay, an update!
Anne, he is sooo cute. I mean, incredibly adorable. What a sweetie. Ezra also just started doing the kiss thing in the past week or so! Of course he's also started taking serious tugs at ears, noses, cheeks, hair, and anything else that is grabbable :p
I couldn't see the beard pic. But wow, he's certainly drooling! Wanna have a race to first tooth? ;) Bet you'll win...so far lots of teething behaviors but no actual sign of teeth here.
James couldn't get any cuter - then the sleeping angel photo. Sigh.
I love the barnacle comment. It took 3 childcare assistants to pull Joseph from the back of my neck initially. By the time I looked in the window, he was playing with toys & children.
Joseph's beard (nor the cold) hurt his looks one bit. Does anything ever?
Anne, I hope your papers produce what you wish for: another year with James or a step up the career ladder. Isn't it wonderful that Time is your ally?
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