So he can now sit without being propped. He still topples often, but his stomach muscles are getting much stronger. This morning he also did his first sign. He signed "up" when he wanted me to pick him up. I doubt he will do this consistently at this point, but it's a start of expressive language!
WHat is the sign for "up"?
in our house it is raising both arms in the air and saying "hol" kind of sing-songy, but i dont think thats official asl ;)
hows work, joe?
Becs- I actually think that is official, except for the sing-songy part. So congratulations! Work is good. I hope you all are doing well in FL.
We are, thanks:)
Now post a picture of that beard I have heard about... fake baking and a beard, we move and things get CRAZY up there.
Anne- nice talking to you today, although I ended up grabbing way too much I did not need as I roamed the store on the phone and got nasty looks from old people.
oh and "hol" is for "hold you" she does say "up" too but she REALLY likes "dow" (down)
What good work you are doing, James! The smile is the best! Your Grammy can't wait to hold you again. Hugs and kisses.
yes joe- arms up is baby sign for up. becs- so good to talk to you too. I think our lives have gotten much too busy. If Joe is home this weekend I'll get a beardy pic for you.
Mom- I've called you a few times, are you at home?
Funny how 1 child each has made our lives sooo busy! Will it only get harder to stay in touch over the distance??? (We can do it! Or you can move to FL... just a thought.)
ha. good one becs. too many sharks in florida. though I'm sure my mother would love me to move down!
Well, if you lived in FL Grammy wouldn't have to post about how she wants to hold him... she just could!!!
Not too many sharks in my area... they don't mix well with the retirees.
You replied to my post exactly 1 hour after I posted- funny. Guess you were not watching Idol.
Nighty Night.
Go James Go!!!before you know it you'll be running all the way to your Auntie's house!! :) ox
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