James woke me up very early this morning. I was still very sleepy, but he wanted to get up and play. This made me very sad and grumpy. James thought this was very funny, so he took my picture. Then he laughed at me. He requested that I post the picture here for everyone to see. (He apologizes for it being a little blurry; he's still learning how to use the camera.)
This is me:
Joe that doesn't even make sense. You must have been tired. Thanks for letting me sleep though! :o)
ps. I took that picture 2 days ago
im a little confused... i was looking for a picture of anne, but i saw a picture of james (love the pouty face!)... then I think Joe wrote it????
Ahhh, the mystique of blogging!!!
Becs - don't be confused, it is a picture of me.
What a pouty face!
joe- the bald look loses its appeal on you, but on james it is very distinguished :)
hahaha that is a GREAT photo!
Can'cha see he's obviously saying,
"Not that it matters much to anybody......
.....but I really don't feel much like having my photo taken today."
Poor little fella!
This is my ALL-TIME Favorite photo!
I love you, James.
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