Today James is 6 mos old! It is so hard to believe that the little jellybean is getting so big, and the amount of things he can do now! He is getting much better at sitting independently, as well as moving around. He still prefers to be on his back, though has this amazing ability to
scoot his head and shoulders, then push with his heels to get around. He is also quite adept at rolling. He loves to play peek-a-boo, and we have learned he is quite ticklish. He babbles the day away now, though for some reason rather than babbling in English (
ba) he has chosen French (
le bleu,
le bleu) as his native tongue. He really enjoys his books, his favorite still being "Moo baa la la la". He loves music, and has started 'singing' along. He is also getting very good at reaching and grabbing objects (lesson learned after I left a full water glass in his reach). His favorite toy of the moment is his rattle, which he likes to shake shake shake and stop- listening for the sound. He also likes to eat it of course. He is not showing any interest in food yet, so we will be waiting to introduce solids until he does. I am amazed every day at how this little person, who was so miserable the first 4 months of his life, has turned into such a joyful soul. He is so interactive, and just a delight. Joe and I couldn't be happier.
Yay! Happy 1/2 birthday James!
Isn't it so neat that right around the 6 month mark they really become more like little people with personalities, etc.? Sea World pics up!
Anne I swear that little boy gets cuter by the day! Hooray for his 1/2 birthday. Of course he's a happy baby, he's got great parents!Keep up the great work.
-Amy S.
Amy S-
You are so right. He really does.
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