James is getting stronger! He is able to support himself well on his elbows now, though does not push himself onto his hands. He sits supported, and loves being pulled into a sitting position. His neck strength is getting better as well! He doesn't wobble about 95% of the time. He has been eating a lot recently, and seems to be getting a little chunkier. Anyone else see it, or am I looking at him to much?! He does not have much of an inclination to grab for things yet (except my hair and face), though will hold objects if placed on his palms. He seems to prefer textiles to most toys, and he does rake different fabrics and bring them to his mouth. He has been experimenting with different voices today, my favorite being the banshee scream!
He is certainly filling out! Your updates make me chuckle because it so obvious you are a highly educated parent rather than the run-of-the-mill sort :)
Looks like the mail man just stuck a package in our mailbox- could it be???
ooooh ooooh! is it?????? OPEN IT!!!!! (I get so much more excited giving gifts than getting them, i just love love love it when people open presents, it totally rocks my world!) ps. btw- I need your help pink papering a certain someone ;o) shhhhhh!
i am having the most fabulous hair day ever and my child had pasta and her white shirt still looks fabulous... wonder why?
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