So I am jumping on the blog craze to keep from filling people's inboxes with pictures! James is now 4 months old, currently sleeping. He has begun to blow rasberries this week, and is officially putting everything he can grab into his mouth. He has also started complaining when he wants something rather than crying. He went to the doctor earlier this week, in order to check for dehydration, as he has had a cold since Thanksgiving accompanied by diarrhea (yuck!). He seems to be feeling a little better. His eczema is doing substantially better since I have gone on an elimination diet to check for food allergies. We assume he has food allergies (like his daddy), since it cleared within 2 days of cutting all the major allergens from my diet (dairy, soy, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, citrus, chocolate, caffeine, tomatoes, eggs and probably some meats that I wouldn't eat anyway). Over the next several weeks I'll be adding things back slowly and monitoring for reactions.
Yay! I love pictures and updates :)
James is so so cute! I can't belive how big he is!
Hope to see you guys soon!
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