I haven't said too much about Eliot of late. He is a tiny guy, topping out at 20 lbs soaking wet at 20 mos. He is still super active, with very astute both fine and gross motor skills. He frightens other mothers at the playground. Climbing and coloring are his two favorite activities. He is a pretty stoic kid, and turns up with mystery bumps and bruises often (see his nose? total mystery). He enjoys wrestling with James, and is a tough little bird. He has started speaking in telegraphic sentences, mostly concerning where various people are "where'd ee go?", and his favorite animals ("see dat bur! (bird) dere! bur! what'll we do? GET IT!", substitute "goggy" (dog), "wion" (lion), or "cap" (cat) and you have a lot of what we talk about in a day). He is opinionated, and quite fiesty. He makes no qualms about telling you he doesn't want something, and launching it across the room. He calls me "daddy". He really enjoys spilling things and cleaning them up("oh NO! what'll we doooo? get CWOF (cloth)"). He adores James at this point, and put up with a lot of very scripted play for the pleasure of his company.
james: "you are the terrible fire breathing dragon, and I am going to spike you"
eliot: "otay. ROWR"
and he looks just like me. score one viking genes!
on the 'phone'

james is AWESOME

Hopefully, he won't catch a fly on that tongue! Eliot is showing moxy by keeping his lips sealed. Love, Grandma
Your kids get to express themselves and we love seeing the photo records of it.
Viking genes, indeed. I am impressed by the expression of those traits against all genetic odds. Just proof of what lurks in the recesses of people (pun intended).
Aunt Betsy and Uncle Mark
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