Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Story of the Bullfrog

EDIT: Here's my attempt at a transcript, for anyone who might have trouble following the action:

One day, there was a little boy named James. And he was at the arboretum. With his daddy. And they were walking around, and James and daddy decided to go and get the sticks. And they decided to walk around and then they were going to find some frogs. And this time, James and daddy saw a BULLFROG, saying “ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. What are you doing in my puddle?” And James and daddy fell in the puddle. And they looked for a bullfrog. But they didn’t found one. Until they [indecipherable] and then ran down and climbed down there until they were down. And then a BIG bullfrog came out of the BIG puddle, and said, and stayed in the puddle and said, “ribbit, ribbit, ribbit!” But the bullfrog jumped away. And the bullfrog jumped away. And the bullfrog was very, very sneaky. So it jumped, jumped, and jumped, jumped, right into a puddle. And he jumped over a rock. Until they bumped into a rock, and they bumped into a rock, and then they fell. And then the bullfrog... ? And James and daddy tried to get the bullfrog, but he jumped away. And then they were walking around, and they decided to go off the path again [to get the bullfrog?]. And then they got a stick, and then they were trying to look for some frogs, and then the bullfrog came out of the puddle, and then jumped into the kitchen. And jumped-jumped-jumped-jumped. [Indecipherable.] And they caught the frog!


Lexie said...

I love his inflection and enthusiasm. The way he says Bullfrog and the ribbits, just is awesome! You have a master story teller there.
And the spit helps too ;)
More stories from James. They would make even the grumpiest grouch smile :)

Anonymous said...

"Braveeseemooo!" (as James would proudly say when he's done singing. Watching this was the best part of our day!

Love, Mom and Dad

Grandmere said...

The sound videos are my favorite! Jimindadee makes me laugh every time he says it. Anne, you should be a choreographer; oops, forgot-You already have awards for that!
I applaud you and I thank you.

Anonymous said...

What fun to see the story told by James. I could understand every word. Grandmothers can do that.
My grandchildren at 2, 3,4 and 9. He is precious.

Joan (friend of Rusty's)

Anonymous said...


Aunt Betsy

Jason Royle said...

That is so cute!!