Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eliot's 9 mo appt

went fine :) He is developmentally right on track, and has several signs (waving, clapping, 'more', 'milk', 'up', and shaking his head). His only vocabulary word is still 'mama'. The boy knows who matters ;)

He crawls well, climbs the stairs, scales the furniture, and is practicing his balance standing independently.

His favorite game is peek-a-boo, and he loves the book 'how loud is a lion'. He is generally a fan of roaring and making noise.

He likes to eat oats, and black beans. He is not a fan of any other foods at this point, and is still mostly nursing for nutrition.

length: 27.5"
weight: 17 lbs 5 oz
head: 44 cm


Lexie said...

Yeah for Eliot! Not suprised he is a healthy boy!

Food is overrated... milk is enough :) For the record, E is not much larger than Delaney.

And Mama is the only word a kid needs to know :)

Grandmere said...

One look is worth a thousand doctor's reports.