Tuesday, March 3, 2009

sick house

again. I feel like we can't get ahead this winter. Eliot has a yeast rash in addition the the eczema (which is cleared for the moment), and a 102 fever. James is cranky, so I think he's next on deck. poor boys. our fridge also went out....so a new one is being delivered today. the excitement never ends lol.


Lexie said...

i hope everybody feels better soon! and that you dont get sick either.

yay for a new fridge at least :)

Anonymous said...

Smiling and reading despite misery...your hopeful attitude for better days is admirable! Hang in there! This too will pass. You are all loved and we'll keep you in prayer. Love, Mom

Grandmere said...

Anne, your first mom said it all.
You are such a blessing to everyone

Yeast is tricky to eliminate.
Joseph went through that once but it was memorable.
Eliot is precious, even ill.
I confess whenever I see a geico, that my heart longs to see James,

I send you my love.
Your Second Mom