As most of you know, we recently welcomed a new edition to our family--James' new baby brother, Eliot. Eliot was born at 5:03 a.m. on July 19 (Saturday morning), and he and Anne came home from the hospital on Sunday morning. Eliot and Anne are both doing well, and James seems to like his new brother. (He's a little disappointed they can't yet roughhouse together, but in the pictures below you see James giving Eliot a kiss and tickling Eliot's toes. So they're getting along.)
Right now we're trying to take things easy and spend some time getting used to our new family member and getting new routines established. It didn't help that our basement flooded again on the day that mom and baby came home from the hospital. ("Waterfall! Look at the waterfall!", James screamed with excitement as the water came gushing in through the basement window.) But we'll get things sorted out eventually.
He is gorgeous! Congratulations.
What a doll! Good work, mama!!!
I'm just overjoyed for you guys! He's beautiful and James is going to be a great big brother.
James cracks me up with the waerfall excitement. That's a VERY lovely pic at the bottom with the boys on the floor. Makes me a little weepy. ((hugs)) to the whole family.
No anesthetic. NO anesthetic. NONE?
Elliot Jude, Welcome to our world!
You have a lovely family. My favorite picture is James kissing Eliot. James' lashes and the photo's composition. Really nice.
Thanks so much for posting. Especially since you indoor waterfalls to watch. (Good luck getting it all sorted out; know you will.)
Aunt Betsy and Uncle Mark
Congrats guys! Eliot looks like an angel and James looks like he is really taking to his big brother role! Thanks for taking the time to post, and I hope the waterfalls stay outside from now on :)
I just got a chance to really look at the pictures in depth, and I absolutely love the last one.
Ok enough about Eliot... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMES! (he he)
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