Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two Years Old!

It's hard to believe James turned two years old yesterday!

Unfortunately Anne, James and Eliot are all sick with a nasty cold, and everyone here is very tired, so the birthday festivities were a little subdued. But we still had plenty of fun, and James was very excited about his chocolate cake. (Early in the morning, when Anne first told him it was his birthday, he immediately responded "I-I-I want cake!" He then diligently renewed this request every fifteen minutes or so until just after lunch when we finally broke out the cake.)

Here are some pictures.

"I thought we were going to eat it."

"You want me to do what?"

"Okay, I'll try."

"Finally... let's get down to business."


"You want some, too?"


All the birthday presents and new toys seem to be hits, as well, which is good.

Meanwhile, Eliot slept through all the festivities.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The New Edition

Hello everyone,

As most of you know, we recently welcomed a new edition to our family--James' new baby brother, Eliot. Eliot was born at 5:03 a.m. on July 19 (Saturday morning), and he and Anne came home from the hospital on Sunday morning. Eliot and Anne are both doing well, and James seems to like his new brother. (He's a little disappointed they can't yet roughhouse together, but in the pictures below you see James giving Eliot a kiss and tickling Eliot's toes. So they're getting along.)

Right now we're trying to take things easy and spend some time getting used to our new family member and getting new routines established. It didn't help that our basement flooded again on the day that mom and baby came home from the hospital. ("Waterfall! Look at the waterfall!", James screamed with excitement as the water came gushing in through the basement window.) But we'll get things sorted out eventually.