Here are a few photographs. The first is a Thanksgiving craft project James created with the nanny during the week. She said he had a lot of fun. The second picture is a shot of James wearing his sunglasses during our Thanksgiving dinner. We had a very nice meal at a local restaurant and James was very cooperative (during most of the meal), even though his nap schedule was thrown way off by all the excitement of the weekend. The last picture is James and my mother playing a very fun game of "horsey".
(Sorry the quality on these shots isn't as good as normal. We didn't want to lug the camera around all weekend, so we just took the much smaller video recorder and grabbed a few still frames for these pictures.)

You look as if you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Lots to be grateful for and about.
James (and his Grandmother) look as if they were both having a good time.
I love the turkey craft. especially the footprint. Too cute.
Aunt Betsy
looks like you had a nice break (hopefully) around THanksgiving. THe pics are great because they are pics of James... who cares by what means :) The craft is cute too.
Love ya!
This kid is waaay too cute.
And he smiles, he is so healthy, and James is Happy.
What a blessing!
I love the sunglasses! He is the cutest little boy. Looks like he and his grandmother had a blast together.
Wishing you all a happy and joyous day today!
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