Monday, October 15, 2007

Video from Keeneland

Here is a short video clip of James enjoying one of the races at Keeneland:

He seemed a little confused about which way to look to see the excitement. But he could tell something was definitely very exciting!


Lexie said...

I am sure everyone's expressions and screams were WAY MORE interesting than the race! That is priceless. And you child is so darn awesome! (Thank you for answering my plea, too. he he)

Grandmere said...

This is priceless! James looks quite secure in his Father's arms!

I always had the same reaction at football games. Mine was more concern over the crowd's volativity, however.

I hope your horse won, Joseph.

Emily Ho said...

He was so funny that day- loves to people-watch, and really, what a better place than Keeneland? So much fun!

Amy said...

I love that you took him to the races. My grandfather was an owner/breeder/trainer of race horses, and I spent many a day at the track. Unless it was Granddad's horse running, I was also way more interested in the people. James is such a cutey and clearly happy with both Mommy and Daddy.