So I have been a bit lax on the updates. It's been a pretty big week.
sandy (the nanny) and her daughter Dani have been coming for half days
all week. James seems to really like them, though hasn't really been
left alone yet (while awake). Tomorrow I have training stuff to do, so
it will be the first real time. I hope it will go well. Monday I start
full time. This weekend we are supposed to meet a few friends at theChildren's
Museum, and I am really looking forward to it. I am really just doing
anything at this point to forget I am going back on Monday.
here is a picture from this afternoon of the little diddle eating
watermelon. He likes to take his own bites (and yes, I ate most of it).
Our camera is broken (which is why the picture is all weird looking),
so we will be getting a new one soon. It's been a long time coming, it
was supposed to be for Joe for Christmas. Needless to say we don't take
large purchases lightly!
He sure loves his watermelon... ok he ALWAYS looks that happy, but...
We are thinking of you as you take this new, HUGE step.
Remember you are a fabulous mommy to a perfectly normal, but also extraordinary baby!
Thank you, thank you for the post!
Becs said it all.
Joe, we all hope that you get your Christmas present soon because we love these posts! You have a very photographic son.
Anne, this is a big step. You are not alone...call or write as you need an audience. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. How very proud we are of you for being a fantastic Mom! (and many other qualities, too.)
James, keep smiling! Your Grammy loves it!
Your camera must have decided to infect mine... because it completely died today. Right as I was trying to snap pictures of a doe grazing in our yard this afternoon!!!
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