Before James was around I never realized how exciting life could be
before 8am. So far we have played, eaten some avocado(he prefers bananas, and was a bit disappointed), found the dog food, had a massage, had lots of milk, got dressed, played some more, cleaned up the green gloppy painting on the wall, stood up for a while, and finally got Joe up (late night for him). And now we drive to see Cortney to get my hair done (thank goodness!). Busy day!
I had wondering why there was dog food in my sink this morning. I assume the two are somehow related.
Had wondered. Late night, as you said.
sorry about that! A few pieces of kibble were being grasped quite tightly until the thrill of the water on his hands while I washed them.
and people wonder WHAT SAHMs do all day... we are the busiest people around.
James looks so Happy at the dog bowl. :)
What is 5AHMs?
I can relate to the whole "all before 8 a.m" post....We have been teaching Amit how to play on his own after he gets up at 6 a.m., we are getting there....but he learned how to climb on our bed, so more fun for us now :) James is extremely cute Anne!
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