Can you believe it? This kid has been out of my body
longer than he was in (by a month now). It freaked me out a bit when I
realized that. He decided to start scooting backwards yesterday. Our
days before true mobility really are numbered. We are holding off on
childproofing, as we will be moving at the end of May. We found a new
place, which is a decent commute for both of us, in a more suburban
neighborhood of the city. It is in a triple-decker, 3 bedrooms, a
bathroom circa 1950 (telltale salmon pink toilet, tub, and tile), and a
kitchen that is state of the art 1972. It is cheap though,spacious ,
pet/baby/lawyer friendly, and good enough. We find out soon whether
they want to rent to us. Aren't his shorts cute? He pulled the tail off
the lamb in about 3 seconds, so they are now in the 'mend' pile. But
very cute.