Sunday, February 26, 2012

Maple Syrup Festival

To the chagrin of the young folk, we attended a Maple Syrup Festival today. Though it promised such delights as maple cotton candy, pancake breakfasts, candle making, and a tour of how maple syrup is made, our arrival was met with faces like this:

maple syrup festival 2012
(The backdrop is smoke from the woodburner used to heat the syrup in production.)

The mood did not lighten, even when we found a tee-pee
maple syrup festival 2012

On the tour we learned that 20 gallons of syrup are produced from 1000 gallons of sap.
maple syrup festival 2012

The children (accompanied by their friend Sophia) attempted to escape, through the Maple grove by going uphill on a fallen log.
maple syrup festival 2012

maple syrup festival 2012

I found the festival delightful, and would happily go again. I hear the national syrup festival is only about an hour further away, and spans the next two weekends. To that, perhaps Joe and I will travel ourselves. More cotton candy for us.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Eliot got something in the mail today from his teacher. He was thrilled, and insisted I take pictures. He was very serious about his modeling poses, as you can see.
