Here is year 2! James is in bold, E is in italics
1) What is something that your Mom always says to you?
You say to not pick the strawberries when they are green um, nothing2) What makes your Mom happy?
blowing you kisses kisses!3) What makes your Mom sad?
when I hit you or step on your toes or hip mean, I like to hit you (laughs maniacally)4) How does your Mom make you laugh?
by tickling me! a see-saw (your guess is as good as mine)5) What was your Mom like as a child?
a sheep a ladybug (he was really cracking himself up)6) How old is your Mom?
30 a sheep (hahahahahahaha)7) How tall is your Mom?
(taps my head) this tall I little. You bigger than I am.8) What is her favorite thing to do?
knit play9) What does your Mom do when your not around?
you miss me you feel sad10) If your Mom becomes famous what will it be for?
knitting making yum food11) What is your Mom really good at?
making things I don't know12) What is your Mom not good at?
dying dying (sing song repeat of James' answer)13) What does your Mom do for a job?
helps people's brains you don't work! daddy work!14) What is your Moms favorite food?
eggs and pancakes that daddy makes lemon curd15) What makes you proud of your Mom?
when you hug me what is proud mean?16) If your Mom was a Cartoon Character who would she be?
a cowboy one TOTORO! can we watch it?17) What do you and your Mom do together?
we go on trips and just, like, do lots of stuff we like to play with animals18) How are you and your Mom the same?
we hug and kiss eachother the same, and we like our ketchup on the side we have blue eyes!19) How are you and your Mom different?
all people are different, we are all unique nothing, we the same20) How do you know your Mom loves you?
you say it like a million, billion times I WILL EAT YOU! I AM A TROLL!21) What does your Mom like most about your Dad?
well, you love him because he loves you. That is how that works. (he was crying, he had tripped and fell)22) Where's your Moms favorite place go?
camping dinosaur stores, where is there one? we don't have a brachiasaurus