Saturday, May 30, 2009

At the Pond

I took James to Jamaica Pond this afternoon, and we rented a rowboat.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eliot's 9 mo appt

went fine :) He is developmentally right on track, and has several signs (waving, clapping, 'more', 'milk', 'up', and shaking his head). His only vocabulary word is still 'mama'. The boy knows who matters ;)

He crawls well, climbs the stairs, scales the furniture, and is practicing his balance standing independently.

His favorite game is peek-a-boo, and he loves the book 'how loud is a lion'. He is generally a fan of roaring and making noise.

He likes to eat oats, and black beans. He is not a fan of any other foods at this point, and is still mostly nursing for nutrition.

length: 27.5"
weight: 17 lbs 5 oz
head: 44 cm

Monday, May 25, 2009

memorial day

we went to newport RI yesterday with friends, though my pics were with the snapshot camera, and I havent uploaded them yet. Here are a few from today at Walden Pond. We had an awesome time! We went with a friend and his wife (who we hadn't met before, she was lovely!)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

mother's day

we went to the lilac festival again :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

just one

here is the one lonely picture from this week. I am having a hard time mastering skin tones for eliots skin. he is just too fair (wonder who that came from, lol), and my difficulty is really showing here (ISO 400, 1/60, natural light no flash). So, I have enrolled in a photography class (over the internet) that will hopefully help me with my more glaring issues. I am excited! My friend Leah took the class, and her pictures have improved immensely (though I must say she started as a better photographer than I did). So, hopefully we will see some better pictures of the boys soon!