It is absolutely amazing that an entire year has gone by. Joe and I had the labor countdown starting last night at 9:30, until 2:14 when James was officially born. He has been in a very silly mood today. He really enjoyed his presents and his birthday cake (applesauce spelt--vegan, major allergen free, and quite delicious!). He kept going Mmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmm! as he was eating it. He has developed quite a sense of humor, and seems to laugh all the time. He has such a joyful spirit! He is learning a great many things, loves to read, can stand for a second or two independently, sings (especially in church), and communicates quite well for a person who doesn't use words yet. We are indescribably proud. This has been one of the best years of our lives. Happy first birthday James Augustine! We are so fortunate to have you in our lives!